
Primepoint 14
Please could any matters arising from illegally parked vehicles on Mustang Drive be reported to the Staffordshire County Council Enforcement Team.


DVSA have an Intelligence service where reports are submitted and may be investigated by our Regional Intelligence Unit (RIU). Information can be left anonymously via the email address or by using our Freephone number 0800 030 4103. Our opening hours are Monday – Friday 07.30-18.00


Community Speedwatch

The parish council recognise there are issues with speeding vehicles on Creswell Grove Road, two speed indication devices have been installed and residents can help by joining a community speed watch group. There is already one set up in Marston Grange. If you'd like to volunteer please call 01785 232702 or email


Civic Amenity Visits 2024

There will be no civic amenity visits in 2024, the parish council are looking at other way's to help residents dispose of unwanted items that cannot go in your normal kerbside collections.

Creswell Grove Development

Update received on 25th January 2024 from Strawson's Property:

"SCC and NH are completing documents together so that the highway works can be commenced.

We are in their hands but hopefully their contracts will complete soon. The works will then be programmed in to the highway’s bookings (which could take around 8 weeks) we are expecting the works to commence by late spring or early summer.

We will continue to provide updates as and when we receive them.

Community Questionnaire

Creswell Questionnaire 

As your recently appointed Parish Councillors, we would like to take this opportunity to formally introduce ourselves and ask for your help in understanding how best we can serve you, the residents of our Parish, going forward.

To help with this, we have put together a summary of what is being discussed at Parish Council meetings, some suggestions/ideas that have already been put forward for consideration and an invitation to yourselves to contribute your own ideas or maybe raise any issues you would like us to address, in the comments boxes on the next page.

Please note that all data collected will be secured, for use by the Parish Councillors/Clerk only, to help us determine the best way forward.

Smart Alert


Creswell Parish Council

The Local Parish Council is the first tier of local Government, it is generally considered the first step into local government before moving on to higher tears. They can levy a precept which has to be spent within the parish.  By becoming a parish councillor, you will be able to contribute to the Parish. A parish councillors’ primary role is to represent the people who live with their parish, provide a bridge between the community and the parish council, be an advocate for local residents and signpost them to the right people within higher tiers.

To be eligible to stand for election to a parish council, you must be:

    • be a UK or Commonwealth citizen and an elector of the parish
    • be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland
    • be a citizen of another Member state of the European Union
    • be at least 18 years old
    • for the whole of the previous 12 months have occupied (as owner or tenant) land or other premises in the parish
    • during the previous 12 months have worked in the parish (as your principal or only place of work)
    • for the whole of the previous 12 months lived in the parish or within three miles of the parish boundary
    • Sign up to the Parish Council's Code of Conduct, which is based on the Nolan Principles.

You may not stand in an election to become a local councillor, (Local Government Act 1972 (section 80) if you have been convicted and received a prison sentence (or suspended sentence) of three months or more in the five years before the election.


Councillors have a duty to attend all meetings, they take place every other month, meetings are open to the public and press. Meetings should last no more than two or three hours. Some councils also have sub-committees to deal with specific subjects, such as planning matters, but this generally makes for shorter council meetings rather than a much greater time commitment.

Length of service

Parish councillors are elected for a four-year term, but you may stand down at any point in the term, if you decide you are unable to continue.

If you would like to serve as a Parish Councillor, please contact the parish council clerk – 45 Thorn Close, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1TA – 07971226170.